Freitag vor einer Woche sind wir als deutsche Crew vom deutschen Botschafter in Benin zum Abendessen in seine Residenz eingeladen worden. Dort hatten wir dann Gemeinschaft mit dem Botschafter und seinen Angestellten und haben dort einen schönen Abend verbracht. Elizabeth, als meine Frau, war natürlich ebenfalls mit dabei. Vor ein paar Monaten hatten uns der Botschafter und seine Angestellten an Bord besucht um das Schiff zu besichtigen und hatten Mittagessen zusammen.
Kommenden Samstag , am 4. Juli , feiert Amerika Independence Day , den Tag der Unabhängigkeit. Dazu hat die US Botschaft hier in Benin alle Amerikaner im Land zu einer Feier in die Botschaft eingeladen. Ich, als Elizabeth´s Mann , darf dann ebenfalls mitkommen. :-)
28 June 2009
14 June 2009
No News is Good News
Not really sure what to write about - nothing too exciting starting up lately.
Classes finished for the Academy on the 5th and last week was the last official work week - time to get things organized and get paperwork finished. I will be working this summer on getting our school library set up and ready for the fall. We have been working on it over the past year, but we were able to order about 500 new books this spring that need to be entered and ordered. I also will be going through old books, making sure everything is in order and getting a better picture of what all we have. It should take some time, but the organizer in me is looking forward to this summer and having things ready for the students in the fall.
Marcel has been busy with work and is also studying for some Mircosoft Certification tests that he is working on. He is looking at taking a series of about seven tests over the next year or so. He is much better than me at self-study - I tend to procrastinate when I am left to study on my own, but Marcel is really good about finding time in the evening or the weekends to get his studying done. He has taken (and passed) the first test and plans to take the next one around the end of the month.
I always like pictures in a blog, so I thought I put in this one of how nicely we clean up. There was a night last weekend when everyone had fun and got out the good clothes and make-up. We looked pretty good -- if I do say do myself ;)

Marcel has been busy with work and is also studying for some Mircosoft Certification tests that he is working on. He is looking at taking a series of about seven tests over the next year or so. He is much better than me at self-study - I tend to procrastinate when I am left to study on my own, but Marcel is really good about finding time in the evening or the weekends to get his studying done. He has taken (and passed) the first test and plans to take the next one around the end of the month.
I always like pictures in a blog, so I thought I put in this one of how nicely we clean up. There was a night last weekend when everyone had fun and got out the good clothes and make-up. We looked pretty good -- if I do say do myself ;)
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