Last spring, the teachers in the Academy first began to talk about an International Christian Teacher conference happening in Kenya. It would be a conference for teachers at international christian schools all over Africa - a time to meet together, hear what was happening in other places, hear speakers and attend workshops. The cost was the only thing that seemed to be in the way - over 10,000 USD for all the Academy staff to fly to Kenya and attend the conference. By the end of February, we were still looking at having to raise 8,500 USD and the dream of going seemed pretty far away. Well, it may have seemed far to us, but with God, all things are possible. In the span of about 3 weeks, the money came in - even more than we thought we needed, which helped to cover visa costs and food during traveling. What a gift from God!
Anyhow, on 31 March we packed up our things and started on our journey. We needed to cross the Togo boarder (about 20 minutes from the ship) and then drive 4 hours to the airport in Ghana. It was a typical crossing for Africa - dusty, hot and slow, but everyone was very helpful and there were no problems. We had to wait a few minutes for the driver we had hired, but the wait was worth it as the two vans we rode in were air conditioned and really comfortable.
After an uneventful drive and five hour flight, we arrived in Kenya around 5.30 in the morning. Again, getting through immigration was easy and quick and we soon found ourselves heading out of Nairobi and on our way to the Rift Vally Acadmey in Kijabe. RVA is a missionary boarding school that was established about 100 years ago - they have about 400 students of all ages.

The drive was slow at first as we hit rush-hour traffic coming out of Nairobi. The scenery was nice enough, but all at once we came up over a bend and there the Rift Vally lay before us - AMAZING! The sun also chose that moment to peek through the clouds which made it even better.
We spent Friday, Saturday and Sunday at different workshops and seminars - I don't know that there was anything totally new, but plenty of great reminders and confermation that we are heading in the right direction as a school. Also, for me it was the first conference I have been to that focused on christian education - really looking at how to have a balance between academics and spiritual life. One of the main speakers was Wes Stafford, the CEO of Compassion International -- if you ever get a chance to hear him speak, make sure you don't miss out. He is passionate, lively, truthful and fun. His passion for children makes him a great leader for Compassion. We were also treated on the last night to some Massi traditional dances which was nice - all the people were from the local area around Rift Vally Academy.
We left around 5.45 on Monday morning to make it back to Nairobi and start the long trip home. A five hour flight, 4 hour drive and two countries later found us back at the Ghana/Togo boarder. Two Mercy Ships Land Rovers were waiting to take us home, but between baggage and people, it was a little crowded (see picture). Luckily the ride home was only about 15 minutes, so Tommy's foot on Nikki's shoulder did not have to stay there too long :) A shower, dinner and the week of teaching began again the next morning - ahh, the life of a teacher.