03 June 2007


Been feeling a bit homesick the last few days - which is a little weird considering that I have not 'lived' anywhere for more then two years recentally :) I think it is that pattern when moving to a new place - first there is the high of being there and the excitment of something new, then comes the down time when there is that 'what am I doing here feeling' and then things start picking up again. I think it is also a little about being in Liberia. Although this is a really amazing country, there are a lot of security issues and you begin to feel a bit trapped on the ship. To go out, there needs to be a group of at least two people and they highly suggest that women go out with a guy - so you cannot just go take a walk somewhere by yourself - and even if you wanted to, there are not really any places within walking distance. Then, you need a car, but there are a limited number of those and you need to have a 'Mercy Ships driver.' Usually you can find someone going somewhere with a free spot in the car, but there is a limit on freedom of movement here. It does not help either that there have been so many changes right now with changing ships and adding crew. Lots of changes for everyone gets a little trying.

I was able to get out yesterday, though. Heard someone at breakfast talking about walking about 40 minutes to a market down the road and asked to go along. It was good to go along and the walk was nice, but HOT! It is the rainy season here, but yesterday the sun was out strong. I was looking for some fabric for a dress or skirt, but didn't see anything that really caught my eye. I need to get some 'African' dresses for church and just for wearing around (although it is changing a little bit, most Liberian women wear skirts - and skirts that cover the knees) but I want to get something that I would actually wear when I am not in Africa as well. This would mean that the pattern would have to be a bit tamer than most of the fabric I have seen so far. I just cannot see myself covered head to toe in a bright yellow with crazy print on it or something like that. Once I find some fabric, I am thinking about making a wrap-around skirt myself and then getting a tailor to make a dress. I have heard a couple people mention people they know here in Monrovia who would be recommended. Ended up at the beach again in the afternoon - really, I did two of the three things that there are to do regularly in Monrovia - shop, go to the beach and church on Sunday :)

1 comment:

Mom Kern said...

Elizabeth- Thinking and praying for you. Much love, Mom Kern