I realized the other day that it had been over a week since I last wrote. I then thought I needed to write, but it has taken me a few days to actually get to that point :) At least I can say that I have been busy lately and really busy since the middle of last week. The summer program started on Monday and the couple who were coming from the States only were able to come last Wednesday night. They have done summer programs before with Mercy Ships, but have never been in Liberia an
d never on the Africa Mercy. The weekend was a mass of trying to get things together and figure out plans for this week. On Monday I had 9 kids come from 9am-12 for the preschool age group. I thought it would not be too bad, but when you get six 2/3 year olds and 3 four year olds together, it can get a little crazy. I think the first day was also hard because I was not completly prepared the way I should have been because I did not really know what to expect. Yesterday was great and today went well. The summer program is a little like Vacation Bible School, so there are Bible lessons that I am trying to teach. It is a great series - Kids Believing God, but it is a little too old for my age group, so I have to think every night about what I need to say and how to say it in the simplest way possible. Ah, well, life continues and I think that the kids are having fun and learning about God as well.
Monday was a big day because the summer program started but also because I got my hair cut. I signed up for the appointment weeks ago and have been debating how I wanted to get it cut. There is a woman on board whose job it is to cut hair for the crew. You would not think that it was very important, but having her here is such a blessing and since she open a f
ew weeks ago, she has been full. In a place like Liberia, there would be nowhere to go off the ship to get your hair taken care of. Anyhow, I finally decided on short and just went for it. Lorah did an awesome job and everyone has been saying that it looks good. I like it and it is fun to have a hair cut that people actually notice - when my hair was long, I could get four inches cut off and no one would even say anything. Now, it comes to around my chin in the front, but the back is really short - a couple inches. If I put the right cream in, I can also make it really curly which is nice.
Monday was a big day because the summer program started but also because I got my hair cut. I signed up for the appointment weeks ago and have been debating how I wanted to get it cut. There is a woman on board whose job it is to cut hair for the crew. You would not think that it was very important, but having her here is such a blessing and since she open a f
hey just caught up on several posts.
Definitely know what you mean about the restrictions in travel for a woman (it is one of those things that you knew but can be really frustrating at times... especially if the people are really strict and traditional).
Congrats on the hair cut. Looks very cute. Had debated on chopping too because it is so HOT but right now I am still just sporting the pony tail look every day. :-)
Envious of the Christian worship. I have learned more about the Morman faith in the past two months but maybe at my permanent site I will be able to find something.
You need to link your blog to your facebook so it is easier to remember. :-)
Hope you have a great week.
Hallo Elizabeth,
darf ich auch auf Deutsch schreiben? englisch fällt mir noch recht schwer?! Ich lerne aber für die Freundin meines Bruders....!;-)
Es ist schön, auf diese Art mit Euch in Kontakt zu bleiben! Ich hoffe, dass es Euch gut geht! Ich verstehe zwar nicht alles, was Du schreibst, aber ich bemühe mich.
Ich finde es bewundernswert, wie offen Du in Deinen Blogs bist.
Die kürzeren Haare stehen Dir im übrigen sehr gut.Gefällt mir.
Ich wünsche Dir und Marcel, dass Ihr in einander einen Partner findet und habt, dem ihr grenzenlos vertrauen könnt,der da ist, wenn er gebraucht wird und der versucht einen zu verstehen.
Schön, dass Ihr euch habt. Laßt Euch zeit, euch immer besser kennenzulernen. Gottes Segen Euch.
Liebe Grüße, Melanie ( Marcels Schwester)
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