14 March 2009

The Rain Storm

Yesterday it rained for the first time since we got here. I know that in two months or so we will probably be sick of the rain and complaining, but yesterday was actually really nice. The kids were so excited when they saw the rain, although it did end up in a storm which got a couple of them a little worried that the boat was going to sink. The wind picked up enough to be blowing things around on Deck 8 and even moving the plastic playhouse on Deck 7. When we went out for playtime it had slowed down a bit, but it was still wet and raining a bit which added a new element to our play. Instead of being wet from sweat, we were wet from rain. I have not been in a rainy season since last August, so it is an interesting feeling to be starting it again.

One little one, on coming out shouted 'Our first rain in Benin!' A few moments later, a boy from England turns to me and says 'This is just like England . . . it rains every day and every minute there!' He seemed quite excited by this thought though - maybe it was a little taste of home to cheer him up - a big, loud rain storm.

The air conditioning has not been working the way it should the last couple days, which was actually a blessing in bringing 8 wet kids in from outside. I think we would have frozen if the air was actually working properly. We got out blankets and pillows anyhow and had a few moments warm rest while we listed to 'Green Eggs and Ham' on a CD. It was funny to see two kids try to share a blanket. They were all big enough, but somehow a couple seemed to have the same problem Marcel and I have some nights with one person ending up with all the blanket - usually the one fighting for the covers is the one who has them all and does not realize it. Sandy and I were laughing to see two different pairs of kids acting like old married people.

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